Terms & Conditions
We only provide coupons, promotional codes, and coupon offers from Sunshine Group. We enable customers to save money by shopping online at e-commerce sites. You may get discounts by using our services, which you consent to as part of your search engine’s technological potential.
This website is not responsible for any sort of manufacturer guarantees, such as warranties from retailers or brands. We do not have any control over retailers and do not support them. If there is a problem with their website, we are not liable.
All retailers have the ability to withdraw any coupons on Sunshine Group that are not available on their platform. This may be done at any time, regardless of any time constraints. Our main goal is to assist our valued members and users in using cheaper coupons to save money. We do not include links to discounts provided by merchants. The URLs for the advertised
By clicking the “I Agree” button, you are acknowledging and agreeing to our terms and conditions of Just amazing discounts. You are permitted to use our website if you agree to the terms of our agreement. You acknowledge that you are over the age of 18 and a human, not a Robot by taking advantage of our services.
We are under no circumstance responsible if any information provided by the user is out of date or incorrect. In that case, users are themselves accountable for up-to-date or correct information.
The member website is available to persons aged 18 or above. Sunshine Group is not responsible for any incorrect age number supplied by a user, nor for any difficulties that may result from the incorrect age period provided.
Furthermore, as we do not utilize automated bots to find coupons for reduced fees, all of the members who look for discounts or use our website should be independent individuals. Members should have a valid email address with all of the required information so that we may contact them in the event that anything goes wrong.
You can join with only one account on this platform, which implies you may have just one account on Coupon Journal. You must obtain permission from us if you create another account for any reason.
If we detect a breach of our agreement, we have the authority to suspend your account. In the event of a violation, The Coupon Journal has the power to stop your service use and website.
Not responsible for price, nor do they provide a warranty on the terms on which coupons are provided. Furthermore, we do not promise that any retailer’s coupons will be of good quality or accessible. We don’t give warranties. If there is an issue with the retailer’s privacy policy, all users must comply with its rules and conditions. We strongly advise
All discounts and coupons are only valid on certain dates. If a coupon does not work with all of the essential information provided, you must contact us within 24 hours in order for your account to be eligible. Sunshine Group will select whether or not your account is eligible based on its validity. The user should double-check that all necessary criteria are satisfied
Sunshine Group has a zero-tolerance policy for anyone or company that uses any of our website components for commercial purposes without obtaining written permission from us. We are adamant in our opposition to duplication, publication, and sharing of material from Coupon Journal.
No court orders were sought or used to obtain the information. Sunshine Group is not responsible in case of any error in content, offer, or third-party coupon. Views and comments provided by any other business or website are not related to us. Any copyright or trademark infringement, as well as any other form of damage or defamation from a third party are not